Category Archives: Odesk


ODesk Adobe photoshop cs3 test solution

QUES: Changing units on the Info Palette automatically changes the units on Rulers. Ans: TRUE QUES: Which of the following Filters cannot be applied to a Smart Object? Ans: Pattern Maker QUES: With which of the given options does the Signal Strength Meter appear? Ans: It appears when you choose merge to hdr command QUES: […]

ODesk test answers to Ms Excel 2000/2003

Q:You start Microsoft Excel and you do not want it to automatically run a macro upon starting. What will you do? Ans:Hold down the CTRL key during startup Q:How does the AutoComplete feature in Excel help you save time? Ans: It automatically completes abbreviated words Q:The figure shows a view of the Standard Toolbar. What […]

Take Odesk Reading test Answer to get points 5 of 5

Q: Can I start my own company on oDesk? A: Yes! oDesk allows you to build and manage a team of workers, colleagues and collaborators. You can even subcontract other workers on oDesk to other customers oDesk (and take a cut). Q: Which of the following actions are NOT allowed when applying to job openings? […]