First check out that following files are exists or not- libeay32.dll in PHP Directory (/xampp/php) ssleay32.dll in PHP Directory (/xampp/php) php_curl.dll in PHP Directory (/xampp/php) (in my case only this file absence !) Copy the libeay32.dll , ssleay32.dll from the extracted PHP Folder to the path of PHP ex: d:\xampp\apache\bin and the same with php_curl.dll […]
Category Archives: Magento
System Requirements At the base level, Magento will require the following software. (You can check your system compatibility using this testing script.) 1 – Linux, Windows, or another UNIX-compatible operating system 2 – Apache Web Server (1.x or 2.x) 3 – PHP 5.2.0 or newer, with the following extensions/addons: PDO/MySQL MySQLi mcrypt mhash simplexml DOM […]
Installation Please refer to Magento’s system requirements to ensure you have the appropriate platform and environment set up. If you attempted to install Magento and the installation wizard suggested to use the PHP-CGI workaround, please click here. Download the .zip or .tar.gz file from the Magento website and decompress it. Upload the Magento web files […]
This is tested on both XAMPP ( and WAMP ( Note: on XAMPP the apache directory is just apache while on WAMP the directory is apache2 (please change the instructions below accordingly) Note: check version of PHP, which you will use. Magento not work with PHP 5.3 (for XAMPP, use XAMPP for Windows Version 1.7.1 […]