Category Archives: C M S

Content management system (CMS)

Install Drupal in localhost

What you’ll need: 1. Drupal latest version 2. Wamp5 grab it from Steps: 1. Install Wamp 2. unzip Drupal into your wamp’s www folder. Rename drupal-5.1 directory to drupal (eg C:\wamp\www\drupal) 3. Run WAMP, you should get a wamp icon in your system tray. You need the dial to be white to continue. […]

Updating WordPress

From time to time you may want to update your WordPress installation to the latest version. You might want to do this because you’ve seen a message at the top of your Dashboard telling you that a new release is available, because you’ve been made aware of some useful new functionality, or because a security […]

Version 3.0.1

On July 29, 2010, WordPress 3.0.1 was released to the public. For Version 3.0.1, the database version (db_version in wp_options) changed to 15477. This is a maintenance release. Installation/Upgrade Information To download WordPress 3.0.1, visit For step-by-step instructions on installing and upgrading WordPress: Upgrading WordPress If you are new to WordPress, we recommend that […]

WordPress 3.0.1

After nearly 11 million downloads of WordPress 3.0 in just 42 days, we’re releasing WordPress 3.0.1. The requisite haiku: Three dot oh dot one Bug fixes to make you smile Update your WordPress This maintenance release addresses about 50 minor issues. The testing many of you contributed prior to the release of 3.0 helped make […]

Minimum System Requirements

To successfully install and use Joomla! you must have a fully operational web server (Apache or IIS), a database (MySQL is the optimum) and the server side scripting language PHP together with specific modules that are activated within PHP for MySQL, XML, and Zlib functionality amongst others. Whilst the community will always do its best […]

Installing WordPress

WordPress is well known for its ease of installation. Under most circumstances installing WordPress is a very simple process and takes less than five minutes to complete. Many web hosts now offer tools (e.g. Fantastico) to automatically install WordPress for you. However, if you wish to install WordPress yourself, the following guide will help. Now […]

WordPress Version 3.0

On June 17, 2010, WordPress Version 3.0, named for Thelonious, was released to the public. For more information on this enhancement and bug-fix release, read the WordPress Blog and see the Changelog for 3.0. For Version 3.0, the database version (db_version in wp_options) changed to 15260, and the Trac revision was 15274. Highlights WordPress and […]

PHP extension “curl” must be loaded.

First check out that following files are exists or not- libeay32.dll in PHP Directory (/xampp/php) ssleay32.dll in PHP Directory (/xampp/php) php_curl.dll in PHP Directory (/xampp/php) (in my case only this file absence !) Copy the libeay32.dll , ssleay32.dll from the extracted PHP Folder to the path of PHP ex:  d:\xampp\apache\bin and the same with php_curl.dll […]

Magento Installation Guide

System Requirements At the base level, Magento will require the following software. (You can check your system compatibility using this testing script.) 1 – Linux, Windows, or another UNIX-compatible operating system 2 – Apache Web Server (1.x or 2.x) 3 – PHP 5.2.0 or newer, with the following extensions/addons: PDO/MySQL MySQLi mcrypt mhash simplexml DOM […]